What do we know about distant healing?

What do we know about distant healing?

What is in distant healing intention therapies that materialists continue to reject? Why won’t they go full time in understanding how it can promote health and wellbeing?

In this article, Dean Radin, Marilyn Schlitz, and Christopher Baur reviews the several studies tackling distant healing intention (DHI) therapies in the hope of answering the important question: does DHI work? Ancient shamanic traditions of healing, sending healing intentions, and energy healing, Reiki, are just some modalities categorized under DHI.

According to this review, researches have failed to show the reliable effects of DHI, partly because we do not yet have the tool to truly assess the impact of these therapies. The researchers also showed that in the case of distant mental interactions with living systems {DMILS) which includes remote intention, remote staring, and remote helping experiments, and which are closely related to DHI, results are much clearer and more conclusive. This could be due to the fact that DMILS has physiological measures while DHI needs to find tools that will enable it to measure healing outcomes. 

Implications for AI

While DHI has not yet been proven to be effective, it has not also been disproven to be a farce. The increasing number of people today who are drawn towards some form of DHI shows us that there is a something to these healing modalities that requires closer scrutiny. Since Transhumanists are already on a quest for super health and immortality, anyway, perhaps it would be worth their time to study healing modalities that have been in existence for hundreds of years already. And yet, DHI studies are yet to be funded by Transhumanists. Are they afraid of the implications of discovering that DHI is real?

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