Universality and global citizenship

Universality and global citizenship

What is the deep meaning behind universality and global citizenship? Why is it fundamental to transforming the change narrative?

If we believe that we are all part of one great consciousness, or that we are all spiritual beings sharing the fabric of one great spirit, then there should be no boundaries among us. In this interview with Gayatri Naraine and Rhonda Fabian for the Kosmos Journal, Judy Rodgers says that it is in this understanding of our true nature that the real definition of global citizenship arises. Social actions, Rodgers says, are important, but it must come from an understanding of universality and global citizenship, otherwise no Great Transformation can truly happen [to know what the Great Transformation is, read Changing Our Response To A Civilization In Crisis].

Implications for AI

AI will never be able to perform its promise of social transformation if the people who are building it are not willing to give up their claims for profit, power, and influence. Think of Google, Facebook, and even Apple. All of them began with the noblest of all intentions, and yet today they have become purveyors of fake news, violators of the human right to privacy, and creators of addictive software. Unless AI developers understand the power of this technology to truly transform the narrative, and until they are ready to give authentic social change a chance, AI, especially the more advanced forms (artificial general intelligence and artificial super intelligence) will only prove to be disruptive and destructive to our societies and cultures.  

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