This Ambitious Project Wants to Sequence the DNA of All Complex Life on Earth

This Ambitious Project Wants to Sequence the DNA of All Complex Life on Earth

The article from Singularity Hub discusses an ambitious initiative aimed at sequencing the DNA of all complex life forms on Earth, known as the Earth BioGenome Project. This extensive project seeks to catalog the genetic information of approximately 1.8 million species, which could significantly enhance our understanding of biodiversity and inform conservation efforts. By creating a comprehensive genetic database, researchers hope to facilitate advancements in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and ecology.

Editor’s Note: Let’s be honest here. Despite the “noble” purpose for DNA sequencing, we all know what this is all about. It is about getting the data from life in order to train AI to create life. [Read more here Let’s be careful with our DNA Data, AI and Crispr: What Could Go Wrong?, ChatGPT-Like AI Designs Whole New Genomes From Scratch, Gene Editing: Bane or Boon?, Will DeepMind’s New Capacity Allow Scientists to Create Life?, New CRISPR breakthrough can turn genes on and off].

Our experience from the Human Genome Project shows that this will be catastrophic. It will generate information that the materialist scientist will only misinterpret because they insist on a frame of mind that is already obsolete [see Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. Part 1. Destroying Humanity, Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. Part 2. How it Distorts Reality and Promotes Nihilism, Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. Part 3. Sucking out Life, Meaning and Morality in Society. Promoting Violence as a Way of Life, Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. Part 4. Unveiling its Ultimate Pathological Manifestations in World Phenomena]. It could lead to “revolutionary” technology that would offer no real improvement to human life, but would have devastating unintended consequences. What they have been able to create, though, are gain-of-function researches, which have led us to the COVID hysteria and the unleashing of the worst of humanity [read China’s stooges: the real Covid conspiracy The lab-leak theory is still being suppressed, FINAL REPORT: COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report on Lessons Learned and the Path Forward].

To better understand why we oppose this project, we encourage you to read these references: The Human Genome Project is simply a bad idea, Revolution Postponed: Why the Human Genome Project Has Been Disappointing, Why the human genome was never completed, The failure of the genome, Why sequencing the human genome failed to produce big breakthroughs in disease].

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