The following article was written by Dr. Joseph Mercola for his website and was published last December 16, 2020. In this article, Dr. Mercola reports on the results of a study conducted by the New Hampshire legislative Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology which confirms that 5G is harmful to the health of the Earth’s living systems. The Commission was tasked to study eight questions, including the following:
(1) Why thousands of peer-reviewed radiofrequency (RF) studies show a wide range of health effects of the technology have been ignored by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC);
(2) Why the FCC guidelines do not account for health effects of wireless tech;
(3) Why the FCC RF limits are 100 times higher than in higher countries;
(4) Why the FCC is ignoring the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of wireless as possible carcinogen; and
(5) Why wasn’t anything done when the world’s leading scientists have signed an appeal to protect the public from wireless radiation.
In a surprising turn of events, the Commission made the following conclusion: “The Commission heard arguments on both sides of this issue with many now saying there are findings showing biological effects in this range”.
Editor’s Note: Now that a government-created commission has finally confirmed that 5G is harmful for all of life, will governments finally take notice and suspend all petitions for wireless technologies? Will the FCC be made accountable for allowing 5G towers to be created and Starlink satellites to be launched?
The battle for a healthy Earth will be long drawn out. As long as profits take precedence over health, we might not be able to rely on governments to fight for our right to life and health. Unfortunately, that is nt As such Dr. Mercola’s article is also valuable for another reason. He offers to us some suggestions on how we can deal with the issue of EMF and how we can safeguard our health.
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