AI is being weaponized, and yes, it is a cause for alarm
Are our societies ready for a new era in warfare?
Are our societies ready for a new era in warfare?
Is there a right way to censor content? The YouTube dilemma of June 2019 shows us that the issue is too complex and too sensitive to leave in the hands of algorithm.
Is there room for scientific discourse on social media?
AI for health care has a lot of potential, but only if we discover how to deal with data and privacy concerns.
The FDA has already approved the use of AI in health care, but health care professionals are concerned with its accuracy. Should you be concerned too?
Central to healing from an illness is the patient’s desire to recover. Is AI in healthcare hindering this process?
We know that people will lost jobs due to automation. What we don’t know is that if we don’t redesign higher education today, there may be very little jobs students today will be capable of performing in the future.
Technology has radically transformed the way we are interacting with our environment, with each other, and with ourselves. It has affected with the health of our minds, and is leading to many other issues in cognition.
How are countries addressing the challenge of AI in education? How are they changing their educational systems in preparation for widening adoption of AI tools for education?
Is AI advantageous for education? Read this article to find out.