Russian law makers approve bill which cuts access to foreign servers
Why are communist states implementing online censorship? What is on the internet they don’t want their citizens to see?
Why are communist states implementing online censorship? What is on the internet they don’t want their citizens to see?
Vietnam is replicating China’s Great Firewall. Will they be as successful? What does this move mean for the regular Vietnamese?
AI can be used to repress ideas, and in this age of democracy, create an authoritarian regime.
The Chinese government is struggling to contain the truth behind the Hongkong protests. To boost their narrative, they are now spreading fake news on social media.
Is there a right way to censor content? The YouTube dilemma of June 2019 shows us that the issue is too complex and too sensitive to leave in the hands of algorithm.
Is there room for scientific discourse on social media?
As China’s AI is becoming more advanced, it is opening new opportunities for finally dominating the Internet.