Data Privacy and Personal Security
How Facebook Is Using Your Data, And Why You Should Be Concerned
If Cambridge Analytica has been able to influence politics in the United States just by utilizing publicly available user data, how much more powerful will Facebook’s targeting AI, one that has access to all your posts, messages, and other private information, be at changing your behavior?
Expert report forecasts possible malicious use of AI
This new report written by AI tech developers looks at the potential security threats arising out of the malicious use of advance AI systems.
AI cyberattacks will be almost impossible for humans to stop
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Intel Confirms Range of Chips are Vulnerable to Hacks
Intel’s microprocessors are susceptible to hacking, the company admitted in a recent press release. This
We cannot use AI for “extreme vetting”, says 50 scientists
AI may have been designed to benefit society, but its impacts will always depend on how it is used. What can happen if AI was used for extreme vetting?