Changing our response to a civilization in crisis
Do we have the courage to propel the Great Transition forward? Do we understand that the power to transform our civilization is within our control?
Do we have the courage to propel the Great Transition forward? Do we understand that the power to transform our civilization is within our control?
Could joint attention be the basis of human cultures and civilizations?
Humanity’s evolution is a fundamental part of universal evolution. This interdependence was forged when the universe first manifested.
Our technologies have a spiritual dimension. What does this mean exactly?
The world is changing, and many of these changes are disappointing and frustrating. How can we continue to work towards a better future despite the current bleak realities?
What are movies like Her and Ex_Machina doing to modern societies? Why is a website like Fully Human important in unraveling the truth behind machine consciousness?
Real democracy is one in which structures support the blossoming of the full human being. The kind of democracy we have today is false democracy because it takes us away from who we truly are.
Every technological innovation we make takes away a little bit for our capacities as human beings. Every new idea of ordering societies, if not developed out of a deeper understanding of the meaning of being human, will always have.a negative unintended consequence. How then can we make societies that nurture the fully human?
We are at a crossroads. A new generation of children are awakening with a deep sense of interconnectedness, but the societies they are growing up in are becoming disconnected. How do we help them achieve their full humanity?