Narratives: Bringing the “human” back to human rights work
Wondering how the new sciences can be used to change our societies? The following example has far reaching consequences – you can even use it for creating change in your own field!
Wondering how the new sciences can be used to change our societies? The following example has far reaching consequences – you can even use it for creating change in your own field!
Nature is asking us to co-create a new music for our societies. But first, we must learn to listen.
Can you stand in the face of hatred and prejudice and still practice non-judgement and compassion? Can you face illness and death but remain in silence and focus?
When you know who you are, then you can change the world for the better.
What is the deep meaning behind universality and global citizenship? Why is it fundamental to transforming the change narrative?
Transpersonal psychology is offering us a new way of changing the world for the better. Are you ready to dive in?
Awe plays a meaningful role in our daily lives. It expands how we see the world, as well as improve our overall wellbeing.
Learning to age gracefully and consciously is a beautiful process. We must welcome it with open arms.
Leaders of world religions have been united for many years – they want a society that honors the full potential of the human being.
How can we usher the birth of a new story, while at the same time redeem the planet, and nourish our souls?