This is how COVID-19 is reordering our societies
There is no denying it: COVID-19 will change the way our societies function.
There is no denying it: COVID-19 will change the way our societies function.
Our future lies on the elemental friendships and alliances we have chosen to build.
This crisis presents to us an opportunity for substantive change in the way we live and form our futures.
The coronavirus is showing us that humanity’s collective strength will help us face the fragility of our world.
Will we be able to create an economic system that supports life?
The Great Turning may be nearing its completion. As our lives becomes more chaotic, new opportunities for upholding life and and the sacred present itself.
The world is in chaos, and the task ahead of us is great. Joanna Macy says that we must continue to cultivate our spirituality so that we may gain a much greater carrying capacity for societal transformation.
In this Kosmos interview with Jeremy Lent, we are introduced to the idea that humans have an
Money is the spirit in action. How does the spirit flow in the economic systems we have created?
Robert Sardello says that in the work of sacred service for the sake of the world, the power of power, and the feeling of feeling is relinquished.