Ken Wilber’s contribution to transpersonal psychology
Ken Wilber’s ideas have brought transpersonal psychology to an entirely new level. How is it different from that of Stanislav Grof and other other transpersonal psychologists?
Ken Wilber’s ideas have brought transpersonal psychology to an entirely new level. How is it different from that of Stanislav Grof and other other transpersonal psychologists?
Imants Baruss and Julia Mossbridge’s book shows us that materialism is declining and is being replaced by a more integral theory of matter and consciousness.
The Copernican Principle made us believe that our universe, our earth is replaceable. But modern scientific developments ate showing us otherwise.
In this article, astrophysics professor Adam Frank explores this very important question: is the search for
immutable laws of nature a wild goose chase?
Why are we so afraid to talk about death? Astrophysicist Adam Frank its time we break this taboo.
Adam Frank shows us that progress in science comes from ignorance. He also explains why “conclusive evidence” takes us away from the real pursuit of knowledge.
Modern cosmology is no more than the retelling of the five archetypes of creation narratives of spiritual traditions.
In 1998, two thinkers made a bet: Christof Koch bet a case of fine wine, saying that by 2023 someone would discover a signature for consciousness. But David Chalmers disagreed. How are the new findings in consciousness studies supporting or disproving the two positions?
Keith Bennet says that recent discoveries in science shows that the Darwinian theory of evolution has no real evidence.
The chaos theory has deep philosophical implications in the way we do science, and the way we understand ourselves.