How do we change the story of the earth?
How can we usher the birth of a new story, while at the same time redeem the planet, and nourish our souls?
How can we usher the birth of a new story, while at the same time redeem the planet, and nourish our souls?
The scientific community is slowly learning to let go of its preoccupation with materialism. A new world is being born.
The light of our spiritual selves is the greatest gift we can offer the earth.
Recognizing the role of consciousness in nature is also the recognition of the need to do away with the assumptions of materialist science.
In the post-materialist worldview, understanding the nature of consciousness will help us unlock new mysteries about the world. Here’s how we can make this new worldview mainstream.
We used to hear that human beings need to be “one with the world”, but very rarely do we understand what it means. This research published below shows us exactly what it means, and offers us a simple way to do it.
Gary Schwartz aims to discover a tool that will help us detect the presence of spirit. How will the measurements derived from this new tool affect what we know about death and consciousness?
Can collective resonance make the world a better place? How can it promote peace and understanding among different peoples?
It is possible for humanity to live in peace and prosperity in this time of chaos. But it will require individuals to shine together towards the same goal.
Collective wisdom is the solution to our deteriorating world. To foster it, we must extend our efforts – first, in ensuring that individually, we are physically fit, emotionally and psychologically healthy, and spiritually open; second, in acknowledging and respecting group processes.