How a quantum algorithm explains nature
Lov Grover discovered a faster way to make searches in a massive database and he may also have found the solution to the question: can the principles of quantum mechanics exist in living systems?
Lov Grover discovered a faster way to make searches in a massive database and he may also have found the solution to the question: can the principles of quantum mechanics exist in living systems?
A new wave of wisdom is coming. To ride this new wave, we must bring a healthy balance between the personal and impersonal, the spiritual and the material. This is the message of the World Wide Wave of Wisdom.
The entire universe is part of a single consciousness. Humans, with our capacity for self-reflection, is essentially the universe learning to assess, and evolve itself.
How big can we get without compromising preserving quantum properties? Recent researches show: pretty darn big.
Nature is asking us to co-create a new music for our societies. But first, we must learn to listen.
What do we mean when we say that the human being is an organic whole?
The 2020s is the decade we must complete the final revolution in science which has been underway since the 1600s. Will we be able to conceptually and experientially discover the purpose of the universe?
There are numerous findings in scientific researches which invalidates the reductionist worldview. When are will have the courage to shift our scientific paradigm?
All of matter and life emerged out of the same cosmic womb. We are linked to the mind of others in nature, and to the biosphere of the earth itself. If our minds are in chaos, it is no wonder that nature, too, is in chaos.
The statistics used in scientific studies was designed to ensure objectivity. But why do we remove deviant data points when we interpret data collected in scientific researches? What if these data points actually point to a much larger pattern that can only be discerned in the long term?