The experience of higher creativity
Why do some scientists reject the opportunity to utilize the non-materialist notion of the mind when it could be the very thing that helps thousands of people in the population to unlock their hidden potential?
Why do some scientists reject the opportunity to utilize the non-materialist notion of the mind when it could be the very thing that helps thousands of people in the population to unlock their hidden potential?
Wondering how the new sciences can be used to change our societies? The following example has far reaching consequences – you can even use it for creating change in your own field!
The evolution we see in the universe is a manifestation of the different dimensions of reality. All of the universe is enfolded in one wholeness that our current senses and scientific tools cannot yet detect.
The Born rule shows us that there is no real objectivity in scientific studies. How will this understanding change the way we do researches in the future?
In the process of personal transformation work, we come to a point beyond postnatal biography. It is a point when our personal issues take a backseat and we become the consciousness of groups or humanity itself.
Want to know what happened during the 2019 Science and Non-Duality Conference? Here are two videos you can watch for free.
The heart has a brain of its own, its wisdom is clear, refreshing, and it simply feels right.
Organ transplant recipients are experiencing behavior, emotions, and thoughts which are similar or comparable to the behavior, emotions, and thoughts of their organ donors. How is this possible?
What if consciousness built all of physical reality? How will this understanding help us create a better future for all of humanity?
Trauma prevents us from experiencing inclusive and compassionate communities. To address trauma, we must first know ourselves.