Scientists show that mathematicians have the same brain as the rest of us
You have the brain of a genius. What great masterpiece are you creating today?
You have the brain of a genius. What great masterpiece are you creating today?
Which science do you believe in: the one that says we have discovered all that we can know about physical reality, or the other that says we can never really understand the deep nature of reality? Is there a middle ground?
The only way we can bring forth societal transformation is through inner work.
According to the inflationary universe ptheory, our visible universe is only 5% of the entire system. The 95% is observable, but we know nothing about them.
Our version of reality exists only in this fraction of the universe. Within our present reality exists a multitude of other universes, all governed by their own rules of physics.
How will our interpretation of reality change with the acknowledgment of the quantum nature of the soul?
Old creation myths and narratives have a lot of things in common. Can they offer us a clue to understanding the purpose of our existence?
The shift in perspective is necessary to recreate a regenerative society. Adopting a systems view of life allows us to see the interconnections of the earth’s living and non-living systems.
There is nothing for you be afraid of. You are greater than you think.
The universal mind is the basis of all reality. Read this article to understand the depth of this assertion.