Scientists show that mathematicians have the same brain as the rest of us
You have the brain of a genius. What great masterpiece are you creating today?
You have the brain of a genius. What great masterpiece are you creating today?
The heart has a brain of its own, its wisdom is clear, refreshing, and it simply feels right.
How do humans resolve problems? Patricia Churchland shows us that our capacity for creative thinking helps us discover new frontiers in science and philosophy.
Neuroscience research is showing us that the metaphysical concepts of manifestation, visualization, and the law of attraction actually have a scientific basis. How does this change the way you view your own capacities?
Neuroscientist Mario Beauregard stresses that there are higher truths, and our brains act only as an intermediary.
Neuroscience has enabled us to understand the many manifestations of human intelligence. But just like any science, it too, can be penetrated by materialist notions of the mind.
No, the size of your brain does not determine your intelligence. In fact, John Lorber discovered that some people who “virtually has no brain” can end up at the top of their class.
It’s time to shift how brain research is being done.
Unlike the rest of our physical body, our brain has the capacity to reorganize itself. Old humans can learn new things.