Humanity is cosmically special
The earth may no longer be at the center of the universe, but we, human beings are more than just chemical scum. We are special. Here’s how we know.
The earth may no longer be at the center of the universe, but we, human beings are more than just chemical scum. We are special. Here’s how we know.
This is a critical moment in the history of the universe and the earth. What we do today defines the future of all life hosted by this planet.
The universe is mysterious. To uncover its mysteries, we might need to wait for posthumans, whatever their new forms will be.
Astrophysics is the grandest of all sciences because it peers into worlds unknown. How far have we gone in the study of the origins of the universe, and where can we expect this science to lead us?
Astrophysics is showing us that humanity has a special purpose in the universe.
Despite the advances in our science and technology, there are mysteries scientists cannot solve. These mysteries prove that there is so much in our universe that cannot be reduced to its parts and particles.
Could it be that the entire development of the universe is geared towards a specific direction?
In this video of 3+ minutes, deGrasse Tyson takes us into a story of how the very ingredients that make up life, and our human body, were cooked up 13 billion years ago, when the known universe was birthed.
The order in the universe is meaningful and awe-inspiring. Physicist, cosmologist, and astrobiologist Paul Davies explains why.