What’s driving the expansion of the universe?
The following article suggests that we truly have no idea about the fundamental nature of nature, and matter.
The following article suggests that we truly have no idea about the fundamental nature of nature, and matter.
The Copernican Principle made us believe that our universe, our earth is replaceable. But modern scientific developments ate showing us otherwise.
In this article, astrophysics professor Adam Frank explores this very important question: is the search for
immutable laws of nature a wild goose chase?
Adam Frank shows us that progress in science comes from ignorance. He also explains why “conclusive evidence” takes us away from the real pursuit of knowledge.
Modern cosmology is no more than the retelling of the five archetypes of creation narratives of spiritual traditions.
If we lose sight of where we are, we will diminish our understanding of who we are, and the journey we are on.
Humans are now in charge of evolution. What new developments will we introduce to the natural world? To what extent will we change the natural order in the universe?
Why are scientists ready to accept the string theory despite its lack of evidence but they remain skeptical of the post-materialist sciences?
How are we able to exist if matter and anti-matter are supposed to annihilate each other?
According to the inflationary universe ptheory, our visible universe is only 5% of the entire system. The 95% is observable, but we know nothing about them.