Why materialism cannot explain consciousness
Because we are unable to define what matter is, a materialist explanation of consciousness is untenable.
Because we are unable to define what matter is, a materialist explanation of consciousness is untenable.
In this Kosmos interview with Jeremy Lent, we are introduced to the idea that humans have an
Money is the spirit in action. How does the spirit flow in the economic systems we have created?
Robert Sardello says that in the work of sacred service for the sake of the world, the power of power, and the feeling of feeling is relinquished.
Youth suicide is a symptom of a much deeper problem in society – the view that all of reality is matter.
Ken Wilber’s ideas have brought transpersonal psychology to an entirely new level. How is it different from that of Stanislav Grof and other other transpersonal psychologists?
Imants Baruss and Julia Mossbridge’s book shows us that materialism is declining and is being replaced by a more integral theory of matter and consciousness.
The Copernican Principle made us believe that our universe, our earth is replaceable. But modern scientific developments ate showing us otherwise.
In this article, astrophysics professor Adam Frank explores this very important question: is the search for
immutable laws of nature a wild goose chase?
Why are we so afraid to talk about death? Astrophysicist Adam Frank its time we break this taboo.