Does time really move in just one direction?
All the fundamental laws of physics does not change whether time moves forward or backward. But our experience shows that time only moves one way. Why is this the case?
All the fundamental laws of physics does not change whether time moves forward or backward. But our experience shows that time only moves one way. Why is this the case?
When Ilya Prigogine pioneered the study of dissipative structures, he changed the way we viewed the universe, nature, and life.
There is no new physics that an be developed that will restore classical physics as a basis for reality. What does it mean for us?
In this article written for the Ecologist, Fritjof Capra stresses on a new view of the universe – one in which all of the material world is composed of a network of inseparable patterns of relationships.
There is an invisible force that connects all living systems – a force that enables migratory animals to find their way, that enables birds to fly together without bumping each other, and connects human beings will all things of nature, among other things.
In this video of 3+ minutes, deGrasse Tyson takes us into a story of how the very ingredients that make up life, and our human body, were cooked up 13 billion years ago, when the known universe was birthed.
Our body is a pharmacy. It has the capacity to create the chemicals and materials it needs to sustain its physical well-being.
In this 30-minute interview, Gregg Braden takes us into a world where the heart reigns supreme, and where changing the world meant integrating one’s thoughts and emotions.
In this 2015 TED Video, British theoretical physicist Jim Al-Khalili explores the intersection between Quantum Physics and Biology.
The order in the universe is meaningful and awe-inspiring. Physicist, cosmologist, and astrobiologist Paul Davies explains why.