It is time to unravel scientific materialism
When we separate the truth from the science, we will soon begin to unravel the myths of scientific materialism.
When we separate the truth from the science, we will soon begin to unravel the myths of scientific materialism.
The spell of scientific materialism is coming to an end, are we ready to search for new truths?
How does one achieve happiness? According to philosopher Alan Watts, the best way is to live with presence.
Using her stories of her daily life, author Alexandra Horowitz shows us that our attention and inattention creates the reality we experience.
Art, science, and religion are but three ways we, humans, try to understand the universe. Cosmologist and particle physicist Lisa Randall explains the differences of each one.
Unlike the rest of our physical body, our brain has the capacity to reorganize itself. Old humans can learn new things.
Whst is the holographic theory of consciousness? What does it tell us about human consciousness?
We are all the multiple personalities of a cosmic consciousness. Do we truly exist, or a we living illusory lives?
Various studies shows us the continuity of life. Despite the evidences, however, materialist science refuses to accept the existence of a past life, and by extension, a future life. Why?
We are blessed to re-discover this meeting of wonderful minds. As we read through this article, may we be inspired to continue learning from those who think differently from us.