Being Truly Human
The thin line between spiritual emergence and spiritual emergency
Mental health is a popular issue today, but Scammell shows us that is it nothing more than a symptom of the human being’s search for higher truths.
How the mind can heal the body
Nicole Sachs shows us that by delving in the deepest parts of our self, we will find healing, and meaningful health.
Reality does not exist if we are not observing it
Quantum physicists show that there is no reality without the observer. What does this mean for modern science?
We are in the cusp of a new scientific paradigm
With more and more evidences of quantum anomalies being discovered, the materialist paradigm of science is becoming more and more untenable.
What is an Earth democracy?
Real democracy is one in which structures support the blossoming of the full human being. The kind of democracy we have today is false democracy because it takes us away from who we truly are.
Our new, happy life?
Every technological innovation we make takes away a little bit for our capacities as human beings. Every new idea of ordering societies, if not developed out of a deeper understanding of the meaning of being human, will always have.a negative unintended consequence. How then can we make societies that nurture the fully human?
A shift to biosphere consciousness
We are at a crossroads. A new generation of children are awakening with a deep sense of interconnectedness, but the societies they are growing up in are becoming disconnected. How do we help them achieve their full humanity?
How brain scientists forgot that brains have owners
It’s time to shift how brain research is being done.
The delusion of scientific omniscience
Scientists still cannot agree on a universal theory of everything. And as we discover more about the world, the more mysteries we uncover.