Near-death experiences and their implications for post-materialist psychology
For Bruce Greyson, the capacity of humans to have near death experiences is proof that the mind exists outside the brain.
For Bruce Greyson, the capacity of humans to have near death experiences is proof that the mind exists outside the brain.
Humanity’s evolution is a fundamental part of universal evolution. This interdependence was forged when the universe first manifested.
Even though our world is becoming high tech, religion and spirituality will always have a place within our societies. But in order for it to be relevant to the modern man, religions fo the future must incorporate four important characteristics.
Imants Baruss shows us that we have the power to change our personal and collective realities. Are we aware of our own intentions, and do we know how these intentions impact our societies?
We thought that because black holes form from the deaths of supermassive stars, it would be made up of 100% normal matter and 0% dark matter. Research shows, however, that which we call black holes are actually pools of dark matter. How will this discovery change the story of the universe?
Scientists believe that the universe is made up of an invisible force. Why can’t they accept that consciousness can exist outside of the confines of the brain?
Spirituality is a practical endeavor – it helps us address daily concerns. But spirituality as it is practiced now is far from the practical life. This must change, if we are to save spirituality in this modern world.
Stanley Krippner shows us shamans have emerged as a way to address social needs. The shaman’s function offers us an insight into the untapped powers of the human mind.
Neuroscience research is showing us that the metaphysical concepts of manifestation, visualization, and the law of attraction actually have a scientific basis. How does this change the way you view your own capacities?
Life is an inevitable consequence of evolution. But unlike the rest of nature, the energy that pushes us to self-organize is not external – it is found in our thoughts, deeds, and emotions.