Do groups have intelligence?
What is intelligence and how can we say that groups are intelligent? Is the desire, intention, and purposiveness of a group distinct from that of its members?
What is intelligence and how can we say that groups are intelligent? Is the desire, intention, and purposiveness of a group distinct from that of its members?
The world is changing, and with it must change our own attitude about science.
How are we able to exist if matter and anti-matter are supposed to annihilate each other?
Why do people who have nothing often share more than those who have a lot?
Emotions are an important aspect of the evolution of the human mind. Though we share the capacity for emotions with non-human animals, our processing of emotions can hold the key to our own humanity.
Like the birds, humans have a built-in compass. How can we keep this sense alive when GPS-enabled devises and navigation software have become so mainstream?
Our spiritual traditions have failed to address global crises. Can they still be relevant in these modern times?
The climate collapse is asking us to look at the world with a different set of eyes. It is asking us to distinguish what is essential and non-essential as we move forward to life in an unpredictable future.
A new science of consciousness is beyond neuroscience. It needs philosophy the acceptance that there are truths that are unobservable.
Scientists now accept that the neocortex is not the seat of consciousness. Will this new acceptance lead us to a new understanding of the nature of the human being? Or will this lead to greater materialism in our sciences? The clue lies in the worldview the audience subscribes to.