Government Artificial Intelligence Readiness Index for 2019
As expected, some countries in the world have no capacity to take advantage of AI developments. Could this lead to greater social inequalities?
As expected, some countries in the world have no capacity to take advantage of AI developments. Could this lead to greater social inequalities?
Will the G7 countries prioritize societal health over AI development?
Google may once have been the best place to work in, but its success has changed the very culture within the company. In this article, Claire Stapleton shows us that Google has become a traditional business, with shareholder interest as the top priority.
The internet may have given us a lot of benefits, but it has also taken so much away from us. How can we ensure that AI will not follow the same path?
Biotechnology and new technologies are calling into question what it means to be human. How can we use the new sciences to reclaim our humanity?
Life is not measured by the number of breaths that you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
For every question science answers, a million more is generated. When will the cycle end?
Old creation myths and narratives have a lot of things in common. Can they offer us a clue to understanding the purpose of our existence?
Kevin Kelly shows us that technologies have a spiritual dimension, and that AI will never be able to replace the human being.
True artificial consciousness will never be created until we understand the consciousness is beyond the physical. But then again, even if we do recognize the true nature of consciousness, why would we want to imprison it in the physical when it is already unbounded and limitless?