Our universe might yet be special
The Copernican Principle made us believe that our universe, our earth is replaceable. But modern scientific developments ate showing us otherwise.
The Copernican Principle made us believe that our universe, our earth is replaceable. But modern scientific developments ate showing us otherwise.
In 1998, two thinkers made a bet: Christof Koch bet a case of fine wine, saying that by 2023 someone would discover a signature for consciousness. But David Chalmers disagreed. How are the new findings in consciousness studies supporting or disproving the two positions?
It has been seven years since transhumanist George Dvorsky wrote this landmark article on mind uploading, but despite the improvements in science and technology, his points remain true as ever.
Eric Holloway has come up with an important conclusion: there is no materialist theory that can completely explain the nature of consciousness.
Here’s one idea for recontextualizing science: to bring back the imaginative and creative aspect in all scientific activity.
The best way we can look towards to the future is by stopping ourselves from dwelling in the past.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths that you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
For every question science answers, a million more is generated. When will the cycle end?
Old creation myths and narratives have a lot of things in common. Can they offer us a clue to understanding the purpose of our existence?
True artificial consciousness will never be created until we understand the consciousness is beyond the physical. But then again, even if we do recognize the true nature of consciousness, why would we want to imprison it in the physical when it is already unbounded and limitless?