The following article was written by Louis Rosenberg, CEO and Chief Scientist of Unanimous AI. In it, he discusses how augmented reality (AR) can impact life and reality. He offers a “dystopian walk in the neighborhood” and warns that metaverse could eventually make reality disappear. He adds that the metaverse could lead to further marginalization as poor families who have no capacity to purchase AR hardware would “live in a world where critical content is completely invisible to them”.
His last warning would be the most important of all. He says: You can’t ever leave the metaverse. He says that taking our AR glasses cannot avoid this problem because we will “become dependent on the virtual layers of information projected all around us. It will feel no more optional than internet access feels optional today. You won’t unplug your AR system because doing so will make important aspects of your surroundings inaccessible to you, putting you at a disadvantage socially, economically, and intellectually. The fact is, the technologies we adopt in the name of convenience rarely remain optional — not when they are integrated into our lives as broadly as AR will be”.
Editor’s Note: As we write this article, we remember how children today are slowly being damaged by the technology that was supposedly meant to make our lives convenient.
In the face of Metaverse, it is imperative for children to know how to use technology appropriately. How do we teach that skill to children?
The Metaverse brings to the fore issues that we have long ignored. What is the true role of technology in our modern life? How do we ensure that it does not become a substitute for reality? Without the metaverse, adults are already finding it difficult to log off of social media or to stay offline for a few days. Once the metaverse comes, who knows what might happen.
How do we ensure that humanity does not become a slave to technology?
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