Heron System’s AI agent has won the US military’s AlphaDogfight challenge, which was organized to “demonstrate the feasibility of developing effective, intelligent autonomous agents capable of defeating adversary aircraft in a dogfight.”
An anonymous human fighter pilot with call-sign Banger sat in the fifth and final round of the match up said this of the Heron’s AI: “the standard things that we do as fighter pilots aren’t working”.
Editor’s Note: Take note that the AIs used during the event were not allowed to learn from the experiences of the actual trials, but Heron’s AI defeated a human fighter pilot. Will military soon deploy unmanned and uncontrolled AI planes? We sure hope that the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) will not change its current tact. Otherwise, the military just might unleash a super computer that can cause havoc for many societies.
Take note that our last statements in this note does not mean that we condone wars. If only people realized that the earth’s abundance is enough for everyone of us, and that we are all in fact, interdependent, then there would be no need for militaries and wars [also read How nature consciousness can help overcome materialism and What’s love got to do with consciousness?]
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